Wow, been hella days since I posted on this site. North vs. South??? What the hell is this, the Civil War all over again. To back up the North, south bowlers always tell us north bowlers to bring our game down there. One time I would like them to say they will come up here. To defend the south, many a great bowler have come from the south. Mark French, Chris Fritch, and many others have proven themselves. Is there really a rivalry, no not at all. For every good bowler we have in the north, there is a good bowler in the north. I, Charles Schmidt, because I am not afraid of reprecussions, would like to extend my olive branch to the south and call a truce. We are one state. If we sit here and argue over who is better, other states are gonna start thinking they are better. But we all know, the greatest bowlers come from Cali. I'm not one of them, I've been struggling for several years now, which retirement may be upon me. I am doing this to make the state stronger as it is almost time for me to say my goodbyes. Good Luck and keep striking
Yo peoples...Gotta represent the 916 Alpine and Fireside...I'll holla!!!!! Schmidt Out