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Author Topic: weak bowlers  (Read 7836 times)

Sean John 369

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weak bowlers
« on: April 17, 2005, 09:51:18 AM »
south bowlers??

P Murchison

Edited on 4/27/2005 12:43 PM



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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2005, 03:57:07 PM »
mmike, thats alot coming from a guy that on all these "super walls" of today, you have only 2 300's and aren't averaging 200 in either of your leagues...Your so good and the shots are so easy and you still can't even average deuce...why you going to come down in the JUNIOR message board and talk all this big game and how all these juniors suck when you don't even got anything of your own...You have all these balls that are designed to hook, well if your so good then why do you need them? why are you not just throwing rubbers and yellow dots??? So you grow up and don't come trying to argue with junior bowlers about a game that you don't even have, later
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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2005, 04:58:08 PM »
Well, you have just shown your stupidity.  
You little snot nosed punk azz b__itch.

wow that was mature, and my accomplishments, you wouldn't even know what they mean and are because your not a junior bowler and don't know the name of our tournaments and how big each one is, but if you care, I have 7 honor scores including 4 300's and my high book is 227, and yea i know alot of people on here all have better then that, but I am not claiming I am the best or near the best, unlike you, who has even less then that to back up a statement since it's so easy now for you
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J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2005, 05:32:16 PM »
well if you were a junior bowler and you checked this board all the time, you would know who my name is, every junior on here knows who I am, everyone for the most part knows who eachother is on here because we all been posting for a long time...the main point was don't come to the junior forum talking all down on us like we are nothing and all suck at bowling when you don't know any of us and how good any of us are or aren't. You are an adult bowler that is telling juniors that they suck basically, wow that is mature and great for the sport...Good for you, you have earned all your respect out there, but coming and talking junk on juniors isn't going to get you any respect here... And its hard to average 200 in your first junior league when you are 2 years old, unless you're like Walter Ray or something
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And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2005, 05:43:46 PM »
whoa whoa whoa.......come on now......ive never seen so much ignorance on a junior board before....ever.

Mike, first of all, your a moron, and i hate you, i dont know you, but i hate you.

second, you have to be the biggest dooshbag ive ever seen, your complaining about how we dont know real bowling, as if you are some bowling god or something.

Guess what bud, times have changed, sure, bowlings easier than it was, technology has advanced, deal with it, do you still have a pentium 1 pc at home? things change.

As for not having as much talent, i pity you for even saying that.  Look at all these guys who can average 220+ on a sport shot, which i know for a fact is twice as hard as any crap youve ever bowled on, so think about what your saying before you start running your mouth.

And last, please flame me, id love to see it, fact is your dumb and i could care less what you think, and my name Is in my profile, so you dont have to worrie about me hiding.   Have Fun
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?

Edited on 5/2/2005 5:37 PM

Edited on 5/2/2005 5:39 PM


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2005, 05:48:51 PM »
woah woah woah... lets pause this for  a sec,.. this old mike guys thinks hes good and hes not... one of thsoe guys that talks about walking 10 miles to skool both ways in the rain with no shoes.... hes a straight up whiner... and yes i have grammer errors... and guess what if this was an english class i might consider fixing them but since its a BOWLING MESSAGE BOARD.... you need to go back to ur stone age times and write with ur feather pen.. you dont deserve to be on a computer let alone the lanes.... one thing is for sure i could voutch for about all of southern cali and most other people that bowl in general and bet they could mop the floor with you mr mike on your little flat oil shot or a non-wall shot... maybe your just not good cuz if you cant hit a wall u should just be a spectator.... thats why its a wall and most house shots are for the purpose to make the old guys like you happy so they can bowl well and have an easy week at a house.... now there are some leagues that put out harder shots to give the guys that wanna step up their game and show wut their really made of which seperates the recreational once a week league bowlers from the ones that have aspirations to get better... now since your one of the ones that is just totally whining about back in the day... guess wut its over... move on.. deal with it.... if you dont like bowling the way it is go golf in some goofy pants... or go play crocket or something.... because obviously your bowling days are over... now if you want a challenge and wanna step or something... bring it... i have full faith in myself and many other bowlers that i know... that would not mind showing you how there is plenty of talent out here in the bowling world... and whining about the past is just something people do when they cant do it in the present... now.... as perviously stated... if you want a senior board to post on then go make one... until then how bout you leave the junior business to the juniors and to people that were juniors less than an ice age ago.... so go grab your manhattan rubber and toss it at some pins... and stop complaining about the ease of bowling... because if it was so easy... you would be scoring all the time right... and dont say anything about only have been back in it for a few years... because hey its that easy right.. you should be shooting 300's and 800's off the wall... but that is obvioulsy not the case.... what do ya got to say now... because seriously... i could use a good laugh.... :-D
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Mason Sherman
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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2005, 05:58:48 PM »
nice signature mike...

"Strikes and Honor" - Maximus(Me)

Storm... hits like no other. PERIOD.

Rusting saws left and right with the rain from above, WAY above.

High Game: 2 - 300 on 6/21/04 and 02/25/05
High Series: 788 on 06/21/04

Storm sucks. PERIOD.

Platinum Bowler

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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2005, 06:08:25 PM »
Mmike your dumb for coming down to the junior board and talking ish.
Squeaks your dumb for saying Storm sucks.
B-Car naka


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2005, 06:34:01 PM »
lol storm does suck... :-D ... the new fired up looks alright though
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Mason Sherman
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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2005, 06:48:03 PM »
Storm is the BEST for 20 games, Columbia owns after that
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I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2005, 07:23:47 PM »
dont be mad at us because you live in poverty.....and you smell.....really bad.....
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2005, 07:32:38 PM »
its funny mmike, you come in here challenging juniors to bowl pot games because you think we aren't that good or good at all, why aren't you challenging everyone, why aren't you on the pba if your so good? because you deffinately talk alot of game, especially for a guy with an average in the 190's on the great walls of today...We don't go into any of the other forums claiming we are so good and could take all of their money...why not? because that is dumb and pointless...and the last thing I gotta say is it's so funny everytime when you call us punks, because you are the only person being a punk right mature adult great grammar speaking man
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I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2005, 08:20:20 PM »
well put... and mike... what are your qualifications if your so good... and it doesnt take us a lot to get heated in here because its fun and you will be nothing but a huge joke to all of us because so far thats what you are and its pretty funny, and using mommy and daddy's money... ha... more like going to get an education at college and like others have sed using their hard earned scholarship to get thorugh college... juniors dont bowl for money obviously u nit wit.... but if u want some... bring it... ur nothing but a washed up house bowler... who is trying to get back in the game and htinks he can come out beat some juniors... you got another thing comin if thats what you think... and wut exactly do you do to be so rich... have your wife or.. your girlfriend... or boyfriend for that matter just give you the money and thats why ur so "rich" ... u make me laugh and i bet your bowling will too... bring it on big man
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Mason Sherman
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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2005, 08:42:38 PM »
well ryan, you know since he averaged 200 in his first yaba league, he was easily making 50k a year by the time he was 18, it would only make sense, right? haha...mike if you want to bowl, just about every bowler on here would take your offer, but sorry, some of us are in college and not rich enough to bowl thousand dollar pot games, not because we are scared, but simply because we don't have our careers finished yet...Come back in a few years when all of us juniors are graduated from school and getting our good jobs, then of course we will bowl you for however much you want a game, and just for you, we will bowl on the US Open shot, no walls in this match needed
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And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2005, 08:49:51 PM »
Well Mike the only thing that makes you cool is that you throw Storm but that is it.  Challenging kids for money now thats pathetic.  Lets see in your day as a youth bowler, did you ever qualify for nationals on a tough sport shot?  If your average counted for how much crap you could say and not be able to back it up then you would average 300.  Grow up and play people your own size.
Good bowler use the big B and when they do they create a Storm
Kiall Hill
The Chipmunk
"Its a trip 4 fest"
"God Dam it"
"Yea but the Brunswick ones get all ten down"


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Re: weak bowlers
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2005, 11:09:53 AM »
Way to go! You show him how it is! and if i was ;egal i would be right there with you!!
*Go Chris Barnes*

new bowling ball $219
new bowling shoes $ 99
new bowling bag $50
X X X X X X X X X XXX priceless!!

AIM: teamstorm05