I was at our local center a week or so ago and watched a 14 year old kid go to work pre-bowling for his league. After taking a few minutes to get loosened up, he goes 268, 257, 224 (or thereabouts) for near a 750 series. He had one open frame in 3 games, a pocket 7-9. Impressive in its own right, however, there's more.
The kid has a physical condition which is rather difficult to explain. From the top down: his head appears abnormally large for his body; he is barrel-chested, though he is very thin; his shoulders are not level; his right leg didn't develop properly and as a result his right foot can't stay flat on the floor; his right calf muscle is very underdeveloped; and he slides on his left foot as a left hander.
Take all that into consideration, and this kid made the shot look like it was cake, and you have one helluva youth bowler. I saw this same kid in a PBA Pro-Am last May shoot 300 (no tap) on the PBA condition. I was one of the Pros bowling in the squad and I was a few lanes over from him when he did it. At the end of the tournament when they were having the awards handed out, this guy received his trophy from the tournament winner, Walter Ray Williams, Jr, and had his picture taken with WRW.
Say what you want about the way the kid looks and delivers the ball, but the kid has game.
Proud owner of a 1046/4 series courtesy of Columbia 300.
None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free.... Edited on 2/10/2005 7:46 PM