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Author Topic: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?  (Read 6992 times)


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Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« on: August 05, 2013, 07:11:44 PM »
I have my own reason for not liking the SMART program, but since I am fairly new to the concept, what are your biggest complaints about the program?

My son may not go to college, but trade school instead and I was just told getting the money for that might be a real pain. The inflexibility was one of the possible reasons why JBT and others came up with their own systems and do not deposit with USBC?

What else do you have about it? We have some money there, as USBC events are obviously going to put winnings in there...



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Re: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 08:10:20 PM »
I ran a youth program when SMART first started and immediately started depositing money in it instead of giving away cheap plaques to our kids. Several later went on to different colleges and a nursing program. None that I know about had any problems getting their money. I know we didn't for my daughters. The negative of a tournament not using SMART is that means they are not sanctioned, despite what they would lead you to believe in their rules. The only complaint I have ever heard is the tournament can't make interest off the monies, but I have also heard of some schools now not taking money from other sources if the student in an athlete. IF I were to run a youth event I would not hesitate to certify with USBC and enroll in SMART.


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Re: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2013, 08:32:54 PM »
As with most things, I am thinking a lot of it has to do with money. (I.E. the interest earned on the holdings not going to the scholarships and rather to USBC). There still has to be more involved as with some people, SMART is tanamount to mentioning someone is an ax murderer or animal abuser.


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Re: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2013, 08:39:45 PM »
I hate having funds in three different places (JBT East, JBT West and SMART) for my son and also having to chase for the dollars. One center of ours takes almost a year to get stuff posted. Absolutely stupid...No where to complain though, as the center manager is a tool who has a social phobia and would not know you if you bowled every day, every league.

She should got to her office, hide from the Girl Scouts outside and go back to eating sunblock...

Duke of Earl

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Re: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2013, 02:13:13 PM »
Just like with everything else there is good and bad with people's experiences. Mine have been fairly positive, although the recent changes have been pretty dumb in my opinion. I know for a fact that the people who don't bank with them did not do so because for many years they were able to earn more interest than USBC did. USBC would not show the financials for smart for years. It wasn't until recently they created a separate auditable entity to account for all the funds. Another recent change is where the unused/forfeited funds are no longer refunded to the originating entities. USBC now keeps this money. To some large organziations, this was a lot of money that went to fund other tournaments as they put it back in their prize funds. Then there are others like Teen Masters who gamed the system and didn't make deposits on time and gave excuses for doing so. IN these instances there were kids (and I know many) who did not get their money because it was not deposited timely. 

Doug Sterner

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Re: Why do so many people hate the USBC SMART program?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 08:37:54 PM »
Look at it this way.....

Why on Earth would we trust an organization with our children's money when they have proven over and over again that they cannot handle their own finances??

We had a junior bowler start at the age of 4 and started getting money deposited from the local USBC youth tournies around 12. When he graduated high school, he petitioned USBC for his funds...and guess what??? They couldn't find his money that was deposited within the first 3 years of the program.

We had another junior be told that, because he had to repeat the 12th grade, his funds had expired.

Needless to say SMART is not real popular in our parts.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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