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Author Topic: Why do you go to Junior Gold?  (Read 3730 times)

Dean Richards

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Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« on: May 28, 2008, 01:45:31 PM »
All the time I hear complaints about how its s "luckfest" or its not worth your time but every year they keep getting more entries. This year there are going to be 1700+ athletes competing for 6 spots on Junior Team USA.

So my question is to the members of this forum, why do you attend Junior Gold or why have you attended it in the past.

Lindenwood University
Junior Team USA 2008
Multiple casher in handicap 9 pin events



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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 09:50:39 PM »
I attended one year of junior gold to experience what it would be like. However I realized that the same amount of scholarship money can be won by doing local tournaments. The travel and hotel expenses are usually extremely high, so after deducting that from your potential earnings, I figured out I'd be better off staying at home


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 09:51:58 PM »
Luckfest? Dang, i must be really unlucky! Well, my first year was my first time on sport shots and finished in the top half. (i was 15 years old too)   Last year, I was in 72nd after 2 days but couldn't match up to the short shot and finished 419. I guess this year, its revenge! If I don't make Jr. Team, I'm going adult because there isn't really a purpose to stay a youth. However, I am confident in the chance that I might not be moving up next year. It is a challenge to matter what people say and I hope this year is the year I overcome it.
Today:......was it you?........or was it the Laneman?.......or was it God?

Unoffical Youth Brunswick Staffer
Yea, I'm a crown bearer. Why aren't you???

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Jonesboro, AR
Jared Wolf
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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 09:53:10 PM »
When I first bowled Junior Gold, I hadn't bowled competitively for much more than a few months.  The whole tournament was kind of a huge spectacle for me, signing in equipment, choosing squads, etc., things that just made the tournament seem special.  Then when I got there, I saw that the best youth bowlers were in it, and usually made it to the top.  Obviously that made me want to go back to it, and eventually make first cut or better.

Besides the fact that it is the largest youth tournament I know of, it's also essentially a week-long vacation.

The Right Approach Pro Shop, Charlotte, NC


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 11:43:37 PM »
they get record entries because they make kids believe that shooting a 200 average could give you a chance to make it to Jr. Team USA.

now if only kids could shoot 200's on long and short sport patterns

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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2008, 07:24:50 AM »
Deano...First off congrats for being selected to bowl in Orlando...

I'm one of the ones that shows up at Gold for the sole purpose of making Jr. Team.   The scholarship money is ok, but thats kind of insignificant in comparison to the real reason for the whole tournament (you can't put a pricetag on the experience of making team).  While it may be a bit of a "luckfest" (lets be honest, how equal can you make a tournament with 9 squads bowling at different times of day in different centers with all the variables out there), it is still the means in which you can qualify for Jr. Team, which is one of the reasons why people come out year after year.

I'm confident the program is going to head in the right direction with Brian Graham now in charge of all of the youth programs for USBC.


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2008, 10:00:47 PM »
It's all about the competition for me. This is my last year and I've never made the first cut(the closest I came was in 05, missing by only 11 pins). That and the national competition. The best junior bowlers are there, and yes, there is some luck involved, but over the long the haul the best rise to the top.

Making match play means you are one of the elite, imo. I'm glad it's back this year.


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 02:57:34 AM »
My first year, experience, after that, the mission. And even though I failed that mission of making the team, I only left with my head down once because I threw myself out of the cut. Every other time, I learned more and more about myself.

The scholarship amount is, weak, for how many kids are there ( it was $200 if you made first cut, then scattered if you made match play when  I was bowling) I won more money in the warm up tournaments and side events back then, so I wasnt bowling to make scholarship money.

Now the kids today automatically believe they are bowling as the best the youth in the country, when they are bowling against the few of the best youth bowlers in the country. The qualifying process is ridiculous now-a-days, so you're not seeing the elite bowlers showcased anymore. And it does come down to some who have a good week, while one of the best might not have a great week and finish outside of the number (I.E. Josh Blanchard)....just my opinion
Justin Buford

Dean Richards

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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 09:32:38 PM »
Nice topic Dean, looking forward to bowling with you later this month!

Thanks, if you get a chance come introduce yourself to me at registration as I will be at either the Lindenwood or Team USA booth.

Luck = Preparation + Opportunity

There is "luck" in any tournament but the reason this tournament gets labeled a luckfest is because of what is at stake in it. I dont think any bowler who made the team this last year wasn't deserving of it because for 30 games they bowled better then 1000 other males.

Josh Blanchard has only made team 1 year at Gold. His first year he got selected because he was young enough later on. I agree Josh is an amazing bowler but that doesn't mean he should automatically get a spot on the team.

The schoalrship money isn't that bad. Adam received 8000 for winning and I got 4500 for tying for 3rd. If you knew how much money the Junior Team USA program costs, then what is left for scholarships is really decent.

Lastly, but the reason I started this thread is to say why I go to Junior Gold. I go to test myself against the best youth in the nation. If you are not there then you aren't taking advantage of amazing experience it has to offer. Its the only tournament I bowl where I actually get the chills just thinking about it. You have to pay attention to so many factors that test everything you have learned in the sport. If you excel you get the chance to represent your country for a whole year doing what you do best. For me this will be my last year. I will never forget the feeling of missing cut by a single pin spare, losing the amateur titleby 4 pins, or most memorable the feeling of putting the red, white, and blue over my shoulders at closing ceremonies. I hope all you guys enjoy your experience this year.
Lindenwood University
Junior Team USA 2008
Multiple casher in handicap 9 pin events


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2008, 03:42:01 PM »
This is my second year going. Last year I went to see what the tournament was all about. I knew that I wasn't going to make the team, but I also knew I wasn't going to do horrible. I was able to see the top bowlers there, and to tell you the truth, I didn't think that they were much better than I am. I was also able to see what my weaknesses were.

This year I am going for the team. I bowl tournaments with 2 members of Team USA in Texas, and I am always with them or ahead of them. The tournament itself is just a blast and you get to meet so many people from everywhere.

This year, I really want to prove myself.


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Re: Why do you go to Junior Gold?
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2008, 03:19:00 PM »
next year will be my first JOG because i missed by 5 pins, and i want to go basically to bowl against the best and see how i rack up each year as in how i improved and how i rack up agains the best in the country. im pretty sure by next year i can probably stay even or maybe even a little plus throughout the whole tournament
Im so glad people are brainwashed to thinking that if they buy a new ball they will carry everything. And its even funnier when im carrying with my 15 year old ball and they're going flat ten.