#1: In morning league you never get difficult shots
(Many youth bowlers would have no clue what to do with a difficult shot and cannot play on the easy one they have.) Coaching and Skill level Issue
#2: Most Youth Bowlers under 16 don't have jobs, hence no money for more equipment
(This probably effects more 14 and 15 year olds. 13 and under still have parents buy most everything.)
#3: As a youth bowler, you're still growing so you'll need to get new equipment fairly often to compensate for your changing span, etc.
(What can you do

#4: The competition is quite poor. (If you're the top team in league, you seem to have no competition close to you, and every other week you bowl a team that has at least 200 pins more handicap than your own)
(Here again this is a coaching issue. Who is getting the coaching and from whom? Also to what degree. Many kids are coached from parents and better bowlers. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is very bad. Example: If you hear someone yelling "Throw the ball harder honey" I'd look for a problem.
#5: Face it, no youth bowlers care about their closets full of worthless trophies
(Agreed believe or not I still have some hanging around. Scholarship money or something they can use is much better.)
#6: Some youth leagues bowl as early as 8 or 9 in the morning, I don't know about you, but a good nights rest usually helps your bowling after having to wake up at 6 in the morning every week day for school
(There are so many things now involving youth that it's hard to make time. In our area we have youth league and then go immediately to high school matches or travel league.)
#7: There is nowhere near as much variety in leagues for youth as there are for adults
(Aggressive competition is difficult when competition levels vary drastically. Handicap seems to not cut it. I have seen 18 yr olds bowling 10 yr olds?

I don't care how much handicap there is that isn't even interesting.)
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