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Author Topic: wow... some people just never learn  (Read 5901 times)


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wow... some people just never learn
« on: January 04, 2006, 07:52:14 AM »
this post is specifically for my good buddy TheRealTruth guy who wont say his name... or her name for that matter it could be a girl who knows... i just dont understand why when there is a personal attack on here some how im involved... its flattering really... but also really old... here is a post i moved from the Main Event post since Jeff asked me too

LOL... Truth u are halarious... u come out like every other weirdo that calls me or jared or anyone out, saying how we bowl on walled shots and wah wah wah... why dont you go grab a towel and cry about it, i would love if there was a league out her or something that put out a more demanding shot than a THS... i personally dont even like the THS out here anymore... insides are flooded and outside are bone dry its lame... and your Jewish too... thats fantastic, its actually an inside joke with me jared and some buddies so keep yourself out of that one... moving on... i'm glad u think were a joke its quite funny i'm glad we ammuse u... btw where did u finish again in the tournament?

i dunno i guess i need SURGERY to fix my game or something because im the worst bowler ever... :-D

fact of the matter is i know i dont have the most conventional or by the book style in the world.. and i dont care honestly... it gets the job done all that i care about is what happens when the ball hits the pins .. after its out of my hand is where it counts, if i went up and did a summersalt and through the ball and got strikes i would bowl like that, there are varying styles and ways to throw a ball down the lane but were all trying to reach the same goal which is to get strikes, make spares, and win...

if you want to continue this lovely attack please do because i dont mind posting back at all...

its pretty pathetic of u though i must say due to the fact that you wont say who you are, you must have some perfect style of bowling that makes you better than everyone, you must have done way better than us at the torunament and many other tournaments to be talking with such a big mouth and your just some cool guy who can only post on a bowling forum, except for the fact that you speak TheRealTruth, a truth that must come from a distant galaxy or something because your pretty nutty man.... if you have something to say to me about my bowling, any of my friends bowling, or anything about anything... come say it to my face next time were at a tournament that way you can watch me laugh directly at you...

forums are fun, but saying the same thing over and over and over again gets redundant and old, try to think up some new material truth... go in your garage hug one of your bowling balls and think to yourself of how totally ignorant you sound on here, your one person attacking an army... its not smart...

"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2006, 04:04:13 PM »
sounds like a plan :-D
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2006, 04:09:42 PM »
lol, therealtruth, like mason said, your quite amusing...and the jew thing was a joke buddy...just like you are...Me and Mason don't claim to be the best and yea we have both said on here that so cal is the best, its called fun and games to make the tournaments a little more interesting...Mason knows he's not the best junior bowler in the world and so do I, I'm far from it, I'm not affraid to admit that...if we bowl bad we bowl bad...we don't need a ton of games to figure out a shot...but when the chance is there to re enter, there is no reason not to start experimenting with the lanes as they transition so when you bowl another squad you can capitalize on it...Mason and I have both hit difficult and easy shots in our time and we have both struggled on easy and hard shots, everyone has...I bet you didn't know that last year's main event on finished like 15th after qualy with no re entry and I cashed...then one bad tournament this year and all the criticism, but anyways, keep having fun posting what you post, because your still the biggest wimp of them all, can't even come out and say who you are.
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2006, 04:09:58 PM »
in some ways, i agree the mason... esp about the part where this "real truth" guy/girl wont say its name... but i just wanted to post... haha...

you gonna make it to CSC mason... driving back from reno?? bowl well!
Karen Rosprim
CSU Fresno
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2006, 04:15:25 PM »
If he is Jewish, then
i am officially no longer a Jew, this sucks...
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?

Edited on 1/4/2006 5:28 PM


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2006, 04:16:01 PM »
omg.. for some reason yes i am driving straight from Reno to CSC and staying wit jenea or at her mom's house... ya... im psycho but i really wanted to go to USA nationals this year because i havent been before and i wanna experience it and then wanna come defend CSC so i will see you there fo sho
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2006, 04:17:06 PM »
jeff i dont think we need the ethnic slurs on here buddy... come on now... were jews be proud... take that word out
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2006, 04:40:34 PM »
yes sir
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2006, 07:23:12 PM »
if anyone looks like an idiot right now, its you "therealtruth", we know where our games are at and we both know our skill level, we have proven ourselves in tournaments and we have bowled bad in tournaments.  There aren't many junior tournaments where you can re enter...but it is an advantage, if you know how the lanes are going to break down and you can bowl a real good squad, the more power to you.
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2006, 01:43:59 AM »
hey truth,

this is all i know, it gets really hot in so cal and i wouldnt be to easy with calling us out like that. i can only speak for myself and maybe my game isnt as well as theirs, but these boys can roll and will roll all over your face, got it?

as for me, player dont ever call talent out cause i will slaughter you. i am so cal, rep it til i die, i am one of the hardest working bowlers on any shot you lay out. a house shot? thats all we are good on? get real player, i practice on pba shots. and no i didnt do well at all, but there i wasnt working which was a real big mistake on my part. i saw a shot and just got over confident.

all i want you to know, is you are in for a world of hurtin' calling the south out like that.

house? ha. house my @ssessets.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."

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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2006, 01:48:26 AM »


these guys may not know who i am not cause im scared to reveil, but only cause its not important, but ive bowled with them and know where they bowl. it may all be house shots but they are not all the same. and if the case is that they are all easy, why do jeff and mase not have all the jat titles?

out here we've got jat and all stars and thats bout it, but its a different shot each week or two, with lanes that break down just like any other, so basically the game still has to be played in order to be good.

so what do you have to say?
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."

When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.

A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2006, 01:55:50 AM »
i concur 100%.....good posts
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2006, 04:20:38 AM »
truth are u ever going to get off the re entry subject... i bowled bad my first block and my game was off and i didnt feel comfortable... so in that respect i tried some different things and decided to see if i could get my feel back and see how hte lanes played and all that i would go bowl again.. im tired of explaining myself to you.. over and over and over... and how do i make myself sound like an idiot if your the only one that thinks so and everyone else agrees with me?

see thats the thing though too.. knowing there is re entries it makes me bowl different mentally... same thing happens when i go bowl league now, i feel like i cant even make an effort because i feel like im bowling to either shoot 300 or 800 and thats it... i think that is why contemplating going adult is looking really tempting, and i have been saying for years i would turn but i never felt this way towards league play...

honestly, we put ourselves out there? please do explain that...

oh and another thing, i do not bash other bowlers... thats rude and degrading, i believe anyone can beat anyone on any given day... everyone has their own proven styles and all have the ability to score, even if i may not like a specific person i still respect their talent out on the lanes regardless of how it is or what they bowl...

i have been beaten humbly by many people before and have not turned aroudn and criticized them personally or brought them down.. i may something like carry the world why dont ya? or "i wish i could throw straight at the head pin like that score" ... its emotion at tournaments and thats all...

down here in so. cal when i get aggressive in a match and my intensity grows and i get loud or something its because i know there are other great competitors here and many other places that threaten me when i bowl them... so i come out swinging like any competitor should and i respect all and am friends with most of them

all im saying is you keep repeating yourself and its annoying... i get the point that for some reason u think jared and i are idiots and dumb and stupid, but maybe you can go higher than a third grade level of vocabulary and stop acting like some little kid on the playground that has the basketball and wont let anyone play with it....

say whatever you want but seriously keep it within reason, because ur slippin out of it and honestly each time you post you sound more childish, so think before you post again because ive already said i get the point and do not care honestly... so thats that
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2006, 05:24:14 AM »
Mason...your are a liar!  I have beaten you and you made fun of me  im telling mom....hehe

But ya....this whole thing is pretty stupid, there is no point to directly attacking someones style or ability of bowling.  We are all different and we all have strengths and weaknesses.  I have never seen Mason or jared come on here and claim they are the best in the Nation or any crap like that, so why attack them? because you dont like how they bowl?

You think Mason will stop doing that little gun-shaped pointer thingy around the neck follow through when he realeses the ball just because you dont like it?

You think Jared will stop looking like he has terrett syndrome everytime he throws the ball just because you dont like it?

No, they wont.

my point is, people will bowl how they choose, no matter what anyone has to say about it, especially ones as talented as Mason and Jared.

So keep attacking them, its funny, because at least the only thing retarded about them is the way they throw the ball, you my friend, are just plain stupid.

ok im done now....

Lets see where this battle ends up going now...
Jeff "Jew" Spiesman

"If practice makes perfect, and no one is perfect.....then why practice?

Edited on 1/5/2006 6:12 AM

Edited on 1/5/2006 6:22 AM

Edited on 1/5/2006 6:23 AM


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Re: wow... some people just never learn
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2006, 11:38:35 AM »
i just try to do the gun shape to pretend like im shooting the pins down.... *bang* *bang* ... strike  :-D  oh and to try and be like mark newberry... haha !
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
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