this post is specifically for my good buddy TheRealTruth guy who wont say his name... or her name for that matter it could be a girl who knows... i just dont understand why when there is a personal attack on here some how im involved... its flattering really... but also really old... here is a post i moved from the Main Event post since Jeff asked me too

LOL... Truth u are halarious... u come out like every other weirdo that calls me or jared or anyone out, saying how we bowl on walled shots and wah wah wah... why dont you go grab a towel and cry about it, i would love if there was a league out her or something that put out a more demanding shot than a THS... i personally dont even like the THS out here anymore... insides are flooded and outside are bone dry its lame... and your Jewish too... thats fantastic, its actually an inside joke with me jared and some buddies so keep yourself out of that one... moving on... i'm glad u think were a joke its quite funny i'm glad we ammuse u... btw where did u finish again in the tournament?
i dunno i guess i need SURGERY to fix my game or something because im the worst bowler ever... :-D
fact of the matter is i know i dont have the most conventional or by the book style in the world.. and i dont care honestly... it gets the job done all that i care about is what happens when the ball hits the pins .. after its out of my hand is where it counts, if i went up and did a summersalt and through the ball and got strikes i would bowl like that, there are varying styles and ways to throw a ball down the lane but were all trying to reach the same goal which is to get strikes, make spares, and win...
if you want to continue this lovely attack please do because i dont mind posting back at all...
its pretty pathetic of u though i must say due to the fact that you wont say who you are, you must have some perfect style of bowling that makes you better than everyone, you must have done way better than us at the torunament and many other tournaments to be talking with such a big mouth and your just some cool guy who can only post on a bowling forum, except for the fact that you speak TheRealTruth, a truth that must come from a distant galaxy or something because your pretty nutty man.... if you have something to say to me about my bowling, any of my friends bowling, or anything about anything... come say it to my face next time were at a tournament that way you can watch me laugh directly at you...
forums are fun, but saying the same thing over and over and over again gets redundant and old, try to think up some new material truth... go in your garage hug one of your bowling balls and think to yourself of how totally ignorant you sound on here, your one person attacking an army... its not smart...
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"