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Author Topic: Youth Free Ball Essay Contest time of year again.  (Read 1302 times)


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Youth Free Ball Essay Contest time of year again.
« on: September 29, 2003, 08:38:41 AM »
Yep that's right, its that time of year and I'm holding another contest for kiddies under the age of 18. So to all you snot nosed brats this is your chance to get a free ball in either 14, 15 or 16 lbs. This contest is again an essay.

Here is some info about the contest:

The topic is going to be "What would you do to get more chicks involved in bowling."

The reason for this is because I never see any chicks in bowling. I see men's league but no womens leagues. During mixed leagues its predominantly men. We need more chicks in bowling! Better looking ones too because most of the ones right now are fugly. Its easy to get men involved in bowling, just mention free beer and they'll come running. But what about chicks? I'm tired of looking at a bunch of fat old ugly men when I bowl. What is needed, therefore, is good looking chicks and a lot of them! Thus the reason for this topic.

-Because I am very biased, I will NOT be a judge in this contest. I will, however, be the one who collects your essay.

-your essay will remain anonymous for the duration of this contest, which means that it will be graded anonymously to prevent bias. After contest is over the winning essay will be posted for others to see.

-1000 words max

-I will give away the ball of my choice to the winner.  Ball will be a brand new ball delivered to your door for free. It won't be plastic or urethane it will be a 2 piece resin ball.

-This contest is held only for little punks living in the U.S.

-You must be under the age of 18

-You must be the sole writer of this essay

-10 point system, 2.5 point for substance, 2.5 point for creativity, 2.5 points for clarity, 2.5 points for grammar.

-contest starts now and will end Sunday October 12th 2003. This gives you little twerps 2 weeks for completion

-forward your essays to me here on PM or email them to me in Word at In the subject write "essay" or else I will delete it because of too much spam.

pchee2<~~~strokin the ball with cranker revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!


bowling panda

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Re: Youth Free Ball Essay Contest time of year again.
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2003, 01:20:54 AM »
"What would you do to get more chicks involved in bowling."

 YOU COULD START BY NOT CALLING US CHICKS!! I don't know if you're really serious about this essay contest or not, but I think it's a big joke and offesive.