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Author Topic: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  (Read 5436 times)


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« on: December 15, 2003, 12:59:59 PM »
this site is so boring now, no one posts, just another reason to make more of us want to go adult sooner, we are almost at vegas and there is no pre tournament trash talking going on or anything, lets get something going people
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
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I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence



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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2003, 05:59:14 PM »
I thought this was about trash talking, not trying to kill someone, you took this way out of context.  they were not talking about yelling stuff out when someone is bowling, just have a lively conversation before the tourney, some of you older bowlers need to lighten up a bit. i have great respect for all the older bowlers in my house, but they don't automatically get it because they are ADULTS, they get it by giving it, maybe some of you should try that!!



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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2003, 06:15:41 PM »
Dave, I was raised to respect my elders also, but i also feel to get respect you have to give it back, I'm not saying i treat the people who don't show me respect bad, i just don't give much merit to what they say to me.  As long as the person shows me respect i am more the happy to give it back.



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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2003, 06:22:01 PM »
I never said the way the youth were talking to the older bowlers was good, it was actually quite immature.  I simply said let them trash talk, for some its half the fun, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.



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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2003, 06:38:55 PM »
lol yes i believe in the whole treat "most" of your elders with respect, BUT, lets say an Adult is harrassing a kid, maybe raping him, but the kid still has 2 respect him because he is older, i dont respect those who dont respect me, people that dont respect me dont deserve mine. Us juniors may trash talk a ton on here but there isnt that much on the lanes, yea there is some, but its thet rash talking on here that makes everyone want to do so good and try harder to show off their game, it makes the title all that more better, if you want what your saying so bad go jump into the movie Pleasantville, what many adults dont see these days is that the world is CHANGING, everything is NOT the same as it was when they were kids, things are different, when you guys were kids your parents could like take a belt to you and you still have to respect them, now if my dad tok a belt to me i would have him in jail, what you adults should realise is we do what we want on here because its fun and harmless and hurts no one, you guys can stay out of our forum and never even hear a word again, and you guys better be nice to us, because when your old old, and your relying on us to take care of ya, we just might not do a good job, lol, later people

oh yea, good luck and lots of high scoring!
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2003, 09:49:56 PM »
yea decker, leftside can talk, he is on our side, lol, and if the adults in here havent seen, this whole forum has now become trash talking adults vs teens, so your doing what your telling us not too, that away to show us the "right" way
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
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I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2003, 10:00:18 PM »
SAW MILL, what a loser, the adult that tells the juniors not to talk trash and respect their elders, ends up talking trash to the juniors, and then removes all his posts from this thread, haha, i guess he proved himself he was wrong, so now that we got all the problems out of here maybe this forum mite be good, lets try it
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence

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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2003, 10:08:47 PM »
A lot of the adults are being very hypocritical right now, but whatever. I saw in the Miscellaneous Section about youths moving into the adult ranks, and some adults thinking think that the youths are coming up for a rude awakening. For a lot, yes, for others no way. For a lot that are going up soon, well, all I have to say is, it sucks for you! Anyways, talking crap on here and on the lanes or wherever is fun and makes bowling way more fun, and exciting. If you dont like what we are talking about, then go post somewhere else. Well I am out, see you all in Vegas, practice up. Oh yeah, I was just wondering. PDiddy, who are you?
"STORM" B-Car's Company!


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2003, 12:18:19 PM »
Platinum i'm a 20 year old bowler from South Dakota, just trying to show a little support. Good luck to all those participating in Vegas.



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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2003, 12:31:29 PM »


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2003, 01:24:33 PM »
Ok, teens might be people, but most of the ones I know don't act like it.  Lol, I was just trying to keep charlest's blood pressure down.  Some kids that try to trash talk just make me want to roll my eyes.  Just want to tell them to shut up and sit down cause they can't hack it.  I never talk trash, because I don't want to ever be in the position to have it thrown back in my face.  Lol, if I ever do trash talk, it's about myself.  I think this topic got a little stuffy.  If the kids want to trash talk just for the fun of it, why not?  Like they said, this is their forum, and we don't even have to pay attention to it.  Youths that are getting ready to move to ABC, don't worry about the adults.  If you're not intimidated by any of the top youths in your area, you don't have to worry about the adults either.  There's just more that are good.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2003, 06:46:44 PM »
I think these adults get all mad about us talking trash and say its totally wrong, maybe because they just dont got the game or cant handle the pressue of trash talking, so since they cant do it, its wrong
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
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I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2003, 03:13:13 PM »
I think these adults get all mad about us talking trash and say its totally wrong, maybe because they just dont got the game or cant handle the pressue of trash talking, so since they cant do it, its wrong
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?

Really? Intimidated by trash talking?  Hmmm.  No, I don't THINK so.

It is, however, rude unless it is obviously done consensually in fun to and with a friend.  But so are many other things.  
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2003, 10:22:55 PM »
Yeah, lol, what's the big thing with trash talking?  That's all it is, just talking.  If you let somebody get into your head, you've gotta be pretty weak minded to begin with.  I don't remember it being about trash talking when I was a youth, it was about who could act dumber throwing a fit.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2003, 01:50:37 AM »
acting dumber throwing a fit has to go to the adults, yea, I woulda say its about 10 to 1 where every 10 adults i see slamming a wall or ball return, I see one kid
What would life be like without Columbia and Brunswick?
And Then...........

I left another 10 pin

J-Rad Lawrence

Mark French

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Re: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2003, 02:19:58 AM »
If you REALLY want to trash talk, then here's how to determine if you have the stuff.  (1)  Come to my home lanes;  (2) Bring money; (3) Let me put out PBA pattern A or B; (4) We bowl.  For real.  For money.  You talk trash.  I'll throw the ball; (5) See if you keep enough money to get home or if you have to borrow from me.

How long is that offer going to stand? I don't plan on getting kicked out of the YABA quite yet, but I am turning next fall. I'm always up for a "challenge". However, instead of bowling at YOUR home house, let's go somewhere where neither of us has bowled...fair challenge for the both of us.
Mark French
Sportin' the 8-0-fizzle for life!