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Author Topic: Hand Tape Recommendations  (Read 2114 times)


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Hand Tape Recommendations
« on: July 16, 2006, 11:43:21 PM »
Some of you may recall I have a thumb issue due to an accident. I'm looking for your recommendations for hand tape, be it Turbo, Vise, etc... to help create a better fit. I don't need a quick release. What I do need to thickness to help mishapen areas and prevent slipping on the downswing. Thanks!
That's right. I said it!



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Re: Hand Tape Recommendations
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 08:56:22 AM »
That's right. I said it!


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Re: Hand Tape Recommendations
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 09:25:04 AM »
I've tried and used the following tapes: Vise (beige tt-25 Nichiban branded), Turbo Mint (coarse) and Beige (fine) (braded ABS), and Kinesio* Tex Tapes.  The cloth texture/coarseness of these tapes vary quite a bit.

I personally, didn't care for the Vise Tape (beige tt-25 Nichiban branded); too quick of release for me. YMMV. As with all of these bowling aids, you really need to try some and go from there.  The very nature of the release and fit of the bowling ball is going to have an effect when using these products.  

My favorite tape is the Kinesio* Tape (one coarseness available - Not rated but I consider it to be semi-fine coarseness (not as fine as Vise)) for the back of the thumb.  It is just the right amount of coarseness and has great adhesive strength without any tape residue (the Vise and Turbo tapes have a very small but noticeable residue when removing).  If I use a tape on the inside thumb WEB I prefer the Turbo Mint (Course) because its coarseness HELPS delay my release point giving me more control.  

I've been using and experimenting with these tapes in the unfournatate case I sustain an injury or tenderness as I begin to bowl more or just want a better fit on a more challenging bowling experience.

This is an excellent way to get a more secure tight grip on the ball on those days when nothing seems to feel quite right.  I think these tapes will catch on pretty fast once bowlers get accustomed to seeing them around and actually giving them the time of day.  Is it a miracle? = NO.  Are they a viable option? = of course.  Great products - wish they would have been around a long time ago.
Neat little products. Excellent to have in the bag, in case of bowling thumb tenderness, or preventive protection of thumb for long bowling sets, or just the fit of the thumb doesn't just feel quite right.

Various tapes that are available for bowling applications -

KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 7/18/2006 9:41 AM